Did you know, experts predict that by 2025, half of the world’s population will not have reliable access to clean water(1)?
Water is the earth’s most precious resource and plays a vital role in everything we do. Take a look above at the 17 global challenges we face and consider its reliance on clean water.
AUC Group is a wastewater treatment plant provider, turning wastewater into non-potable (and sometimes potable) water that can be released back into the environment. We know how important clean water is to make an impact on global challenges. Learn more below(2).
(1) https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/if-you-want-to-make-progress-on-all-the-major-global-challenges-start-with-water/
(2) https://waterfilterportal.com/water-conservation-why-save-water/#infographic